Sunday, October 25, 2009

Are You a Carrot, an Egg or a Coffee Bean?

Yesterday for me was unique. There were many things that happened, but I won't go into detail. First my dad got into a minor car accident, second I had to leave for yfc (youth for Christ) and third I went to a debate between Professor John Baker (atheist) and Greg Koukl (Christian). I know it sounds pretty heartless of me to just leave after I found that my dad was in a car accident, but he came home in one piece, which means he's fine. The only bad news was our van is going to take a temporary vacation away from us :( which means we could only use our 5-seater car. Good thing it was the truck's fault, otherwise we'd have to pay some big money for the damage!

I decided to post something because there was a story that I really like that my yfc chapter heads presented. I'm not sure who wrote it, but I recommend that you guys read it. It won't take long, and I think it's worthwhile. Just click on here to read it before you keep reading the rest of my post! Or else you won't understand what I said below! xD

For me, I think I am each of them: a carrot, an egg and a coffee bean. I don't just see myself as one of them because then I would be lying. I have changed over time and I know that when I was younger things were so much different. Even though I am not the same person as a year, 3 years or more ago, there is still a part of me that could end up being the carrot or the egg. I am learning to be more like the coffee bean though. Lately there are events in my life that are very challenging and hard to handle. But just because I face these adversities, doesn't mean it's not possible for me to overcome it. I do believe that after those challenging events, I have become stronger as a person. I became more responsible and have sacrificed many to change the situation around me in a positive way.

Anyways, enough about me. How about you? Are you a carrot, an egg or a coffee bean? Thanks for your time! :)

P.S: I did a quick sketch of a carrot, an egg and a coffee bean as you can see from the top. Haha, I weird of me. But I didn't feel like posting a picture from other sites so I made a quick sketch instead. I think I might do more of these in the future! Just quick sketches about random things. The carrot looks bad though since I just wanted to get it over with lol. Hmm.. I'll see how it goes ^^

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Blogger Jackson said...

Great post! I really liked that article... I'm not sure which one I am. I guess I'm like you and I'm all three. I try my hardest to be like the coffee though. Very inspiring. =]

Nice drawing too!

October 25, 2009 at 6:56 PM  
Blogger photographingeveryday said...

Thanks! And thanks about my drawing too haha :)

October 25, 2009 at 10:39 PM  

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