Tuesday, September 29, 2009


Hey readers.. well I finally decided to put the pictures now before i forget. When I saw this cat I was arguing with myself for about 5 & a half seconds whether to get the camera or not. I wasn't really going to but Shakira (foster kid I babysat) was excited and she got me all excited so I ran to grab the pro camera. Also, it was a rare moment to have a cat sitting there in this time of month so that got me running quick. Well good thing I ran fast enough, I thought I lost my chances in taking a few shots but Shakira was still enough that the cat was still there (I told her not to move lol)!

Anyways, here's the pictures:

I felt somehow connected with the cat when I took this picture. I think it was the eyes and the position of the cat. This picture almost makes me sad because it looks like the cat had a long day. The way the cat is curled up like that makes it seem like it is sort of defending his/herself.

I like this one. I like how the cat looks down as if he/she just saw something worth looking at. Like food for example. I feel bad because this was a stray cat. He/she did not have a tag/necklace around the neck so I was guessing it either fell off or just didn't have a home.

Man that face just makes me wanna go up to him/her and squish and hug it! -sigh- Too bad I can't keep him/her.

Well there he/she goes..I shall call her (yes I decided it's a her) squishy (all i could think of at the moment) because I just feel like squishing and hugging her with that furry hair.

Well guys, I guess that's it for tonight. Hopefully I'll get my recent drawing done this week... or maybe next week(?). -sigh- Well I will finish it soon, I promise! ^^ Have a gooood night! :)

Another friend of mine posted this up online and I thought I should share it with you guys! See how special you all are to me? Hahaha.. well enjoy, this really made me smile :)

Sunday, September 27, 2009

photography as art

Wow, I can't believe I'm updating so frequently! Umm, well I should be studying for two big tests tomorrow but I was too excited. For me, today seems like a very interesting day. There's so many things I want to do but I feel trapped because of tomorrow's tests!

Anyways, I took pictures today using my dad's pro camera, nyaharhar. I feel bad for secretly using it but I will tell him soon! I'm such a rebel.. I think that photography is really catching on as my next favorite hobby. I'm worried that it will replace my drawing abilities.. but I figured I can just do both without interfering art- because photography is still art right? Anyways, I will show you the pictures I took today some other time. I really need to study now >.<. In the meantime I will leave you with this interesting picture I took at my backyard. Hope you like ^^

Click the image to enlarge. It looks way better if you do :)

This bee was in a hurry- he/she was jumping from one flower to the next really fast! Good thing I got at least one good picture of it.

I can't believe I have time to take pictures, but not enough time to finish my recent drawing! Bleh..

Saturday, September 26, 2009

i can only imagine

Gud marnweeng! Hey readers.. today I want you guys to feel the presence of the Lord and His Son, Jesus Christ. To do so, I found a site with picture slides that correlates to a song. I don't know if you will feel the same way as I did, but I hope this will strengthen your faith and continue to inspire others about the christian life. I love this song and I hope you'll love it too. If you are still reading this and you're not really into God and Jesus... please watch it still! You've got nothing to lose! Only something to gain.. :)

Here's the site, please don't hesitate to check it out! Thanks.
I Can Only Imagine

Click to Enlarge!
I decided to use this picture for this post. Even though the idea of the picture is centered around the dandelion surrounded by gloomy flowers, I think it's still nice. The gleam of light makes it more dreamy, as if to say, "I could only imagine". As if the other flowers want to reach up and transform like the dandelion to see what it would be like up there- but since they can't, they could only imagine it. lol. So I think that is why I chose this picture I took for the post. (Get the idea? Haha, I think I made it more confusing..)

P.S.. if you were moved by the site, share it to your friends! AND don't forget to turn up your volume! It sounds much nicer if you do. Thanks for your time.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

All the single babies

Hai. Well I have been really busy the whole entire week and I feel really hopeless right now. I have a HUGE homework quiz for Biology I need to catch up on and plus a movie review for Marie Antoinette and homework for chemistry. I know I should not have wrote this blog today, but I just feel so tired that I needed a break.

Well I found this video that a friend of mine posted online and it helped made my day :]. I guess I feel a little better 'cause I was really stressed out. Anyways, enough about how bad my day was.. here's the video that made me laugh and smile! I hope it does the same thing to you too ^.^

P.S: This reminds me of my baby cousin, she dances like that baby in a way! Hehe, I'd like to credit her for brightening up my day too, she just has the cutest laugh and smile!

*UPDATE* If only someone told me earlier that we were allowed to copy off our homework if we did them... (JOANNE) lol. Oh well, thats alright..

Saturday, September 19, 2009


I know we all have our own busy lives to manage, but have you ever really thought about the lives of other people and what they're going through? I haven't in a while.. not all the time. Most of you know how important it is to pay attention to your needs. And I know that you've crossed a quote or more about how we should love ourselves before we love others. I don't think that's necessarily true. I mean to a certain extent it is, but when you're place in a different situation...then the meaning of it is reversed. I think that sometimes, we should love others before we love ourselves too. What I mean by love is that we should pay attention and show others that we care before we do that to ourselves.

A particular topic of it would be your family...for example. Whether you know it or not, your parents are the ones who are having a much harder time managing your family than you are to your own "personal" life. Besides what God has already given us, they are the ones who paid for everything that we own. They work for hours to put food in the table, make sure you have a roof over your head, have a good education, clean the house, etc. etc.. And some of us on the other hand.. we just take everything they worked for for granted. We are so busy trying to impress other people that we forget the love and care that our parents have given us. Isn't that right (to some of you)? You are in the computer most of the time, talking to people who don't notice you and forgetting those who do notice you, playing game consoles, trying to get a boy/girlfriend, buying yourselves some expensive clothes, complaining on how your life sucks because you seem to have "no life" or relationship and etc.. This should sound familiar to you.. 'cause I know it sounds familiar to me.

So what exactly is my point here? Well, instead of wasting your time on the computer and those said above, why not do something different. Do your parents a favor and go wash the dishes, do the laundry, clean the dusty places in your house, mow the lawn, clean your room, prepare the table, help prepare food for the table, help cook, clean the floor, take out the garbage, clean your parent's room, clean the washroom(s) etc. etc.. If you do these, I promise you that you WILL lift the burden that is on your parent's shoulders. They've been through enough to make sure you have the life that other kids have... but remember that you are not like other kids. You don't have to own cool gadgets and gizmos to be like one of them "popular kids" (huh, popular kids?? There's no such thing). You should know better than that. If not, then I'm telling you now.. sometimes we need some changes in our lives, like helping around the house and those said above, to show that we DO care. That we DO notice what other people and our parents are going through. That we appreciate all of the things they've done to us. Sometimes, it's never really all about us and our needs...

I hope you get the message I'm trying to convey.. that if we put some attention,love and care to other people, all of these things will also come back to you. Also, showing all of these to your parents will automatically let them know that you care. Thanks for actually reading this looong and "tedious" blog..and thanks for your time. :)

Friday, September 18, 2009


Good morning! Well today I wanted to start off feeling.. relaxed. And I want you guys to feel the same way too. I tried to think of a way to do so but couldn't really think of anything. Then I remembered this site I used to go to when I wanted to hear some relaxing music while playing at the same time. It's a really cute and a very neat site. Actually, I'm not sure if all of the games play the type of music I told you.. since I mostly played one of the games called, "Pocketful of Stars". I loved this one, I used to play over an hour just to get a really high score! It is an addicting game.. and it still is addicting to me (I just played it right now, it was hard not to keep playing)! If you want to try it out, here's the site of that game:

Pocketful of Stars
If you do play this, make sure you catch the shooting star! :-)

The site itself can be found here:

I haven't actually been active in this site.. so I'm not sure if there's been some changes made. BUT I hope you guys enjoy the games as much as I did back in junior high! If you wish to respond, comment on my cbox (I know, it's sad that I only have one comment box- not so sure how to put a comment box on each blog! I need to do some changes in the near future..).

P.S: Kudos to jomar for telling me this site back in the day! :D

Wednesday, September 16, 2009


Many of you (my friends ^^) know that I draw portraits of people...right? Haha, well I do. It's pretty much the one thing that I am very good at actually. This summer of 2009 I was able to improve my "artistic abilities". Although it wasn't a long summer ('cause of summer school), I was lucky enough to experiment a lot of different mediums for pencil drawing. If it weren't for this one teeny thought (& reminder) I wouldn't have improved and appreciate pencil realism more! So I'm grateful that I somehow remembered that thought.

Click to enlarge it!

Here's the drawing I've been working on for a while. It's been an on and off drawing of ______(guess who!). Well I hope you guys like this one. It's my second drawing that I've posted here in this site. The first one was called emotions which can be found by clicking here.

Well I guess that's it for today, I'll be working on it still so check back now and then for updates! Don't forget to comment if you have something to say! Thanks for your time :-)

P.S... If you don't know who that portrait is.. there's a way to find out who ( if you're clever like JOMAR who found out from a veery visible hint >.< )

Friday, September 11, 2009

Close to nature

Today I finally got around to using my dad's Canon Powershot SX1 IS camera to try "photography" at my back/front yard. I told you I was starting to feel interested in photography (read first blog by clicking September Archives on the right then go to the very bottom). But this doesn't mean that I am going to become a photographer..just something I'll do in my spare time.

Well since I'm a newbie at this, I took the liberty of taking some "candid" shots of mother nature. I didn't really get any GREAT shots.. but I did got a few nice ones. I kind of suck at this, since I didn't get to adjust certain shots because I was totally ignorant about the functions of this camera. So I just took random shots and the one thing I noticed was how hard it is (sometimes) to stay still when taking a shot. I think photographers really work hard when taking great shots because they have to place the camera in certain positions for a satisfactory picture. Or maybe not- as long as they know what they are doing (adjustments, etc. etc.)!

Too bad for me I didn't know what I was doing- so I ended up with a very blurry left eye after taking some bright shots of the sun. Well, I hope you guys like these..

This was my first shot.. bad angle..
This here used to be me & my brother's hermit crab's tiny house. Yes, we had a hermit crab.. and unfortunately it died from lack of care :'(
This was a shot I took beside my house. I really liked how it looked so I took a few more of these in different positions and angles.Looks kinda lonely even though there's more than one of them. This one kinda gets to my attention; it's as if it has been abandoned and longing for use. This image looks kinda messy..someone should clean this up!Christmas lights! Wow, it's still there. Good thing 'cause I can't wait for another Christmas. But this time we get to celebrate it with my baby cousin and her dad.Christmas lights, you'll shine brightly in 3 more months.. hang in there!

So many pictures! These are actually the best ones I took..and it shows how newb I am because I posted soo much! Next time I won't post too many. I'll just pick the one that stands out more (and hopefully I don't get carried away!). Well, I hope you guys liked them.. leave a comment if you have something to say!

Thanks for your time :-)

Thursday, September 10, 2009


If you haven't seen or heard it already, there's a show airing on Wednesdays this fall called "gLee". The first episode already started yesterday at 9 p.m (I think) but sadly I didn't get to see it. Anyways, I just thought I'd share this with you since I think it's a really unique show. I loved the [extended] preview of it so I couldn't help but search the first episode online since I missed it. After a few unfortunate "researches" I finally found a site that shows the first episode. So I watched it! And it was pretty awesome, to me at least! Anyways, I don't think there's anything quite like this show (or maybe there is) but if you're interested watch the preview first:

Extended Preview click here!

Anyways, if you are REALLY interested now, here's the first episode, "Pilot" (Interesting fact: Did you know that the first episode of Smallville Season 1 was also called, "Pilot"? Bet you didn't know that! Since you probably don't watch it..nyahaha..):

Pilot Episode Click Here!

I'm actually looking forward for the next episode next Wednesday. Maybe you'll be looking forward for it too ;). Have a good night!

P.S: Their version of the song (and Journery's version hehe) "Don't Stop Believin" is pretty catchy ain't it?

UPDATE* It's at 10 p.m Wednesdays global channel in our region.

-jobelle :-)

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

Infantile needs

Hey guys, today I am not feeling well. I was sick the whole entire day and it's not very pleasant to feel a tad weaker than my normal strength. Well I wrote this blog because I realized that no matter how old we are, there will always be some part of us that needs or wants the care of our parents. For me in particular, just a few minutes ago I started to feel the need of my mother's care. Remember when we were little when we get sick we usually go to our mom or dad to make us feel better? Well.. I went upstairs and asked my mom to put Vicks (a fast symptom relief cold medicine)on my back. You can laugh all you want but I missed that feeling. The feeling of being protected and knowing that your parent's caress will make bad things go away. I guess part of growing up takes away some of those infantile needs huh? Anyways, I guess that's all I have on my mind for tonight. Hope you guys have a good night :]

Monday, September 7, 2009


I drew this picture last month. It took a really long time because.. well I added as much details as I could. This was actually a practice drawing. I was inspired so much during the summer that I told myself to draw detailed drawings in the near future. ^^
Anyways, I don't normally draw pictures like this.. but the picture was well posed because this emotion can be seen as anger, frustration, heartbreak, pain, sadness and etc.. I originally drew it with the frustration of school work on my mind actually. I wanted to express homework in this way since I always end up getting frustrated having homework at home. Why? Well... because each time I have homework, I get very homesick. I know I am home but all I really want to do after a loong tiring day at school is spend time with my family- especially my little cousin. Well I guess that's it for tonight. Oh, and I am probably going to put in more details on this one- it's not finish yet that's why. Enjoy :]

P.S: Click the image to enlarge it :)

Sunday, September 6, 2009


I just wish that I didn't have to feel so strongly
about the way I feel then and now...

Saturday, September 5, 2009

A new discovery

Today was different. It wasn't like any other days because I tackled one of my top enemies: being discourage. Yep, I did it! I went for it! I won today's battle and I am PROUD of it. Actually, I did felt VERY discourage this morning. I was arguing with myself and I lost most of my confidence because I was thinking the most ridiculous things. Like thinking that maybe things won't go the way I think it would. So that remained in my mind for a few hours until the last minute. I took all the strength and courage I had in me and turned it to as much positive thoughts as I could. I made some rational thinking and crossed out the most ridiculous thoughts that might happen. Then the most amazing thing happened to me, I felt ALIVE. Suddenly I felt the rush of adrenaline running through my veins. It was a great feeling, because I felt different. I felt strong and courageous which is something I don't feel enough. Well, now I know what I am going to do in the future, I won't have to rely on others anymore. I am going to trust God and His plan because I know that he has something good for me. And I can't wait for the next plan! Which I know will happen soon :D

I won't tell you what it is... just because.. :P

Friday, September 4, 2009

Still not awake.

Things are different because I am different. For the past few months I've changed in ways I never expected myself to be changed to. I allowed certain things to go through me and made some decisions that I am not proud of. I am so blessed, but I've been taking some things for granted.. Not sure how to make things right again.. but like people say, time heals everything. I guess this means that I would have to wait and be patient. I know and truly believe that time can heal everything because I've experienced it before. But there is one thing that hasn't been healed yet.. Anyways, I just really hope that I can accept who I am and be able to do things right based on my beliefs- 'cause recently I haven't been accepting myself. I've been taking certain things seriously and it upsets me how sensitive I can get. What's more upsetting is that I've been holding everything in and act as if things are alright. All I can really do at this moment is try to keep calm and forget about those problems the next day. That's why I don't really remember exactly how I felt or what happened- because it just hurts so much that maybe forgetting about it will make me feel better tomorrow. -sigh- I should go to sleep, my eyes are drooping now -_-

Thursday, September 3, 2009

Something New and Different.

Hrrmm.. I have not done this in a while. First of all, I'm new to this whole blog thing- though I did have previous "blogs" err sites from the past I used to write down my thoughts in. I'm not really sure what to blog about but I'm thinking of posting just random stuff. Things like my thoughts, pictures, what happened to me on a certain day and etc. One particular thing I am starting to feel interested in is photography- but unfortunately I don't own a camera at the moment.. I could use my dad's but.. nyaah. Anyways, I am also going to be posting a lot of my artwork here and there. Some may be portraits I haven't shown other people yeet. But hey sooner or later someone's going to find out about them, right?

Well, hopefully you guys enjoy what I post on here. Not so sure if I will stick to my words..but only time can tell. Maybe I will post a little bit of poetry sometime! I'm not really good at it, but I'll give it a try though. I will post some of my own or some from other poets that I like. Maybe I will put random quotes too, hehe. Also, the songs are kindaah depressing.. ain't it? I shall try my best to change and put new ones... when I'm not so lazy of course! Oh and they are mostly about love songs.. sorry if you start to reminisce. In the future I'll add some happy songs though. Well, enjoy :)
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